Bringing inclusive gaming to your commercial


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Solicit questions from students ahead of time

In our previous blog, “Tips to market yourself as a peer tutor” we suggested starting a social media account or blog specifically for connecting with students who may need some help. This is also a great tool to help you understand what topics students need help in.
Before your drop in session post a poll or invite students to send you homework questions they are having trouble with; anything that will give you some ideas on what sorts of things to prep ahead of time.

Have a plan to make sure everyone is heard

Some students are far more comfortable bringing up questions than others, so it’s important to make sure every student feels there is room for them to talk. This can be as simple as just going around the room (or going down the list of participants if in a virtual session) giving each student the chance to ask one question at a time.
Other ways to make sure all students feel they have an equal opportunity to learn is have them write down all of their questions on separate scraps of paper and throw it in a hat. Then you can just randomly pull out each question to answer.

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