Jennifer Bibbs: Circle City Fashion


1. Could you please give us a little introduction and tell us about your first experience with photography? Who or what inspired you to begin photography?

From the time I could remember, my father always had a camera in his hand. He would take me into the dark room with him and show me how a picture is developed. He had a lot of shoe boxes full of photos he had taken and developed himself. I had no idea at that time my dad was a professional photographer. Little did I know that I was being taught photography, so when my passion grew, learning photography was not as hard for me to learn.

2. From your point of view, what are the most exciting aspects of professional photography?

The excitement for me is the process of being free to be as creative as I want to be. It is the one time in life that I feel free, and it feels great. I love meeting and working with new people. I am defiantly a social butterfly, and that helps to bring out the best in who I am photographing

3. As the expert you are, what distinguishes your work from other photographers?

I think what distinguishes me from a lot of other photographers is that I like to listen to music, dance and sing during my shoots, and I am no good at either one, but photoshoots are not all serious, it all about having fun and bring comfort to the photoshoot.

4. What are your goals for the next year with your photography business?

I would like to get into commercial fashion photography and working more with fashion brands and working as a paid photographer.

5. Are there any other photographers you look up to? Who?

When I decided to do photography as a passion, JK Photo stepped in and started mentoring me. They must have seen something in me as a creative because they taught me, helped me when came to time for purchasing equipment, sending me leads on gigs, and still to this day even though they have relocated to Wrightsville Beach, SC.

I also admire Lindsay Adler. Her YouTube channel has also helped me in grow my photography business along with keeping me updated on posing and lighting techniques. She is my go to person when it comes to ideas and learning.

6. Can you walk us through your planning process for this photoshoot and how you went about conducting it?

Kay Brooks is a well-known a full-time travel BLOGGER/Model who contacted me via Instagram regarding a photoshoot collaboration. Kay was coming to Indianapolis for a commercial shoot and wanted to photograph at a well-known Indianapolis location during her down time. I found this parking garage on that overlooked the downtown circle along with lady liberty in the background.

Photographer: @lifethroughjennseyes Model: @_kaybrooks_

7. What are your upcoming projects?

One big project that I have coming up is working with a writer on a project to create photos for her book. I have a shoot planned with Desert Flower Accessories to photograph her handcrafted crowns and jewelry.

8. Where can we see more of your works and get connected with you?

Life Through Jenns Eyes Photography

Instagram @Lifethroughjennseyes


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