Maria Antonietta Cardea: TRIBAL CONTORTIONISM


Full Name: Maria Antonietta Cardea

Age: 40

Country: Italy Rome

Photography Genre: portrait

1. Could you please provide us with a professional introduction about yourself and your photography work?

The ways of instinct are mysterious. The reflection on the lens of Maria Antonietta Cardea

extrapolates the bizarre soul of sensual forms, and the ability to combine erotic themes

to objects (and places)

The external description of the title points the finger at the unnaturalness that hovers over poses now

enter with skillful arrogance into contexts that are widely exploited to highlight lines of

border with still original meaning.

2. Can you tell us about how you got started in photography?

I started about 20 years ago, starting to photograph music concerts and experimenting with my friends, personal projects, I needed to express my state of mind through art and I found my way with photography

3. What was your passion driving you during your journey? Who or what prompted you to begin?

What sparked me was my inner restlessness, which over time I vented by photographing faceless, unrecognizable subjects.

Then over time I started to include faces in the projects to give depth.

4. Could you walk us through your photoshoot planning process?

At the birth of a project there is always a search for images based on the resources I have available. The design of the look of the clothes and the concept I want to express starts from there. Even if sometimes I let myself be inspired with extemporaneous ideas.

5. As a photography expert, what sets your work apart from other photographers?

It could be authenticity and originality, but it’s not up to me to say that.

6. Where do you get your ideas for photoshoots?

I let myself be inspired by the client if they have a very specific reason for the destination of the images.

If it’s my project, I let myself be fascinated by both feminine, masculine and fluid beauties, always giving them my restless but elegant touch.

7. Can you tell us about the most memorable moment you’ve had as a photographer and what experience you gained from that?

I’ll tell you about one of my first sets made about 20 years ago, I wanted to reproduce the image of the painting of “The Narcissus”

so my friend and I snuck onto private property to take shots of this magnificent lake.

But while we were taking the shots (a small premise, my friend was naked) the caretaker arrived and made us escape… It was worth it and the escape the photos were wonderful, so sometimes taking risks isn’t such a bad thing.

8. What are the most important components of an extraordinary photograph, in your opinion?

The idea and the interpretation.

9. How do you strike a balance between your artistic expression and your client’s expectations during a shoot?

It’s a continuous face to face collaboration, we build the image together.

10. How do other artists influence your work? Are there any other photographers you look up to? Who?

They inspire me with details, I never reproduce the same image but I let myself be inspired by films, paintings by photographers, as previously mentioned I happened to reproduce The Narcissus, but I also watched a set that tells the story of Jack the Spartator.

Lately with the art of bodypainting we have created the 4 seasons, the vampires.

I like looking at the images of Henri Cartier-Bresson the unreachable and a more modern David LaChapelle, completely opposite but with very interesting stories.

11. How do you enhance your vision after a session by post-processing your photos? What editing steps did you follow for this photoshoot?

Generally I try not to distort the image, usually when I shoot I think a lot about the imminent result and not in post production, in post production I can remove some disturbing elements or perfect the skin of the seen a little, but in addition to this I always look for the naturalness.

12. What you are most focused on learning right now to further your photography career?

In the end, a photographer is never just a photographer, but becomes a post producer, graphic designer, advertiser, so at the moment I am studying how to advertise not only with images but with social events.

13. What advice do you wish you knew when you first started photography?

I would have liked to study more, and have more opportunities with master classes to enter the professional field.

14. What is your favorite photo you’ve ever taken?

At the moment there is a portrait of a Vietnamese girl that I adore, it is a half-length portrait, naked but covered, her eyes covered by her hair and a red box on her mouth.

In this shot you can’t tell if the subject is a man or a woman, it leaves you a little dumbfounded.

15. Where can we view more of your work and connect with you?



Website: here there are not only my shots but also those of my life and work partner.


Photo: @maryrouge83

Photo: @ilcinquantinolab

Model: Luisa Fioravanti

MUA: @manuela_giorgino

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